Rectors messages
In his final moments on the cross, Jesus recommended we take his Mother, Mary, into our homes, into our lives, making her our Mother in Christ. That is why Christians turn to her spontaneously when they feel danger. Many sanctuaries are dedicated to Mary illustrating this timeless trust towards the Mother of our Savior and numerous ex-voto give evidence that prayers have been answered over the centuries.
2020 is marked by a worldwide epidemic of Covid-19 (Coronavirus). Even though Christians follow faithfully Christ’s recommendation “not to be scared” because “the hairs on your head are all numbered” (Matthew 10, 30), a number of Sanctuary Rectors offer the faithful to pray and beg Mary together. Large pilgrims cannot be organized in this time of crisis. Social media, on the other hand, can become a wonderful means to form one body and one heart to intercede for the sick and for those at risk of suffering from the pandemic.
We offer you to participate in the Novena so that “Mary may deliver the world from a major epidemic in 2020”. And more broadly, that this ordeal brings about new evangelization to the world.
Father Bernard Planche, Our Lady of Puy (France)
FatherMatthieu Thouvenot, Our Lady of Fourvière (France)
FatherLudovic Frère, Our Lady of Laus (France)
Father Florent Millet, Our Lady of Rocamadour (France)
Father Ludovic Nobel, Our Lady of Bourguillon (Switzerland)
Prior Roland Jacquenoud, Our Lady of Scex (Switzerland)
Father Bernard de Frileuze, Our Lady of Lorette (Switzerland)
With the support of:
- Father Abbot for the territory of Saint-Maurice (Switzerland)
- Director of the Pilgrimage, Le Fraternel (FRAT, France)
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